Download the App for Ciao Bello and enjoy exclusive offers, loyalty punch cards and an exquisite menu of authentic Italian cuisine – right at your fingertips. Using locally sourced, organic foods, Ciao Bello prepares each meal to order. Relax and enjoy a leisurely meal; BYOB, enjoy some tasty appetizers and decide on spicy or mild, savory or sweet, casual or elegant and order your meal. Call ahead for a great meal to take home, or have some platters delivered to your workplace! As you scroll through the App check out the great offers, the great menu, convenient online ordering and savings from Ciao Bello.

The App for Ciao Bello provides:

• An exclusive download offer
• Digital loyalty punch cards
• Menus and online ordering
• Photos
• Notification center (new offers and deals)
• Discounts & Special Offers

The App is free and you will receive your first offer soon after it is downloaded.

Ciao Bello is Cranford, New Jersey’s newest Italian restaurant star! Authentic old world recipes, locally sourced organic ingredients, a semi-casual atmosphere and an attentive staff add up to make Ciao Bello a great spot for any meal from pizza to pasta, signature house specialties or a late night nosh. Appetizers, entrées and desserts will tempt your taste buds and the App is packed full of discounts and special offers that will keep you coming back to Ciao Bello.